
  • CryoPen™ is a state of the art treatment that uses extreme cold to painlessly and safely destroy unwanted, benign and superficial lesions on the surface of the skin, such as warts, skin tags, verrucae, milia, cherry angiomas, scars, and resistant hyperpigmentation.

  • CryoPen uses a fine stream of nitrous oxide to destroy the unwanted tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid in a matter of seconds, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane. This means there will be no damage to healthy tissue.

  • up to 10 minutes

  • None - the treated area may scab but should fully heal in 1 to 4 weeks.

  • Clinical data shows that the results are permanent after one or two treatments. Some types of skin lesions may return in other places if you are prone to such manifestations.

  • 1 or two sessions depending on the area being treated.